Bonjour! And Bonne Année, Meilleurs Vœux to you all.
I have been back almost two weeks now, but last week I didn't really have much to blog about, so didn't bother! But now it's the second week in, things are starting to get back into flow. Everyone on my corridoor is back so it has been nice catching up with them, and gradually more students are showing their faces in the library- so there is life about unlike most of last week! I was expecting my first week back to be totally dull, but actually when I arrived at work last Tuesday morning, there was a jolly atmosphere around , my colleagues wishing each other 'Bonne Année' and 'Bonne Santé' etc. The welcome desk looked a bit like a Press agency with boxes of mail everywhere, envelopes here, plastic there. Obviously we had a backlog of mail which meant that it all meant sorting, but at least it was something to do. I have actually had quite a few little jobs to be doing which is better than nothing. I have had to most of the 8.30 starts though, as we are a colleague down for two weeks so the early and late shifts are supposed to be 'equally split' between me and Lionel, but he seems to have conveniently given himself all the later starting shifts! Buts its ok, I quite like finishing at 4.30 as then I have the whole evening to 'be productive'. Hm.
I would say that I have settled back in well. I wasn't dreading coming back like I would have felt a few months ago.The next 7 months are going to fly by, but I know i'll make the most of it and be more positive than I was last year. I feel way more comfortable being here now, and I know my way around, get on so well with my friends here, love my colleagues, aaannddd.. well I guess I should probably mention that I have myself a French fella'! :p ... So it's nice seeing him when we can. Even if he drags me to see Mission Impossible 4 in French on a Sunday night! It works well that he lives and works so close to campus, and we work similar hours too, but it's still a bit strange having this new commitment now! Anyways, enought of that.
The main excitement this week was the HEC annual 'Diner Cocktail' to celebrate the new year. As interns, we were so excited over it! We dressed up, despite being warned that it was not a classy event, and we headed out for our free champage and buffet! Ok so I felt a little overdressed, considering most people had just come straight from work, but the hall was decorated to the full with flowers, trees (!) , lights, a podium for a band, a DJ set, and of course bars and buffets tables! If I wasn't on an alcohol ban from my mum ( half marathon training based, supposedly) I would have DEFINITELY taken my fair share of the free champers!! But, the smoked salmon, cheese board and oysters ( first time I have tried them- seriously I'm not sophisticated enough!) were just as good to take advantage of, and the chocolate tart for pudding... just wow! So, after a very nice speech from the Direteur Général de HEC, it was time to party! And party we did. I tell you, it was better than any POW, more classy for sure! It was quite bizare dancing with my fellow colleagues, but we had fun none the less! There was a great range of music, and it was great seeing all these HEC workers letting their hair down. I was tempted onto the podium at some points too! As the night had commenced aboutn 8, by 11 I was already shattered and ready for bed! But the DJ just kept playing more and more Rhianna, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry..(requested by me, obviously) so I forced myself to stay juuust that little bit longer after each song! But I was still in bed by midnight! I had work at 8.30 the next day! I can't believe one of my colleages even outstayed me. But yeah, it was a great night with eveyone having fun and lots of free swanky goodies!
I have no real resolutions for this year. Just more things on the list. The Paris Half marathon being one of them. Although thats going to be more of a fail than an achievement I feel :S
No, I CAN run 13 miles...
Get near fluent in French, read more, do my research project, stay in France over the summer, save money, LEARN the words on my vocabulary list instead of just writing them down and forgetting them... that kinda thing.
I have started listening to French radio whilst at work. I can easily sit with one headphone in while I work and if someone approaches me I just whip it out! It's great listening practise, but also the music is great! Although, they do play like the same 5 songs repeatedly which gets a bit tedious! But hey, at least I can add knowledge of French Rap to my CV... haha.
I'll be in Marocco this weekend which I am really looking forward to! Just for a long weekend, have taken Monday off work and I am defs ready for a bit of sunshine! I got a new camera for Christmas so you can expect lots of ncie quality photos for this years blogs!
Not really much else to blog about. First POW back tonight. woop. But to be honest, nothing will beat Monday's cocktail, and I'm not drinking so, we'll see how the night goes!
Have a good week, and until next time!
^^ xx
I have a new phrase to add to the list
'Je ne l'ai pas fait exprès!', meaning 'I didn't do it on purpose!'
How did I learn it? Because there is a possible chance that my iPod may have fallen in the toilet...
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