Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Its Twilight Time!

Apart from musicals, I don't usually get hyped up for book/film series which appear to be aimed at children. However, this all changed when I was pursuaded to have a marathon movie session of the Twilight films last Friday night, so that I could go with my flat mates to see the brand new 4th film on Saturday. The moment I finished watching the first film, I was hooked!! Couldn't wait to watch the next and the next, and the next! Sara, Julie and I went to the cinema (after sucessfully reserving our tickets online I'll have you know! Yes, France is up to date with some things at least!) on Saturday to watch the latest film, and it was brilliant! Although now there is a bit of tension between Julie and I over which Twilight guy we prefer. Come on, a warm, protective, (very hunky) warewolf as a boyfriend? Or a blood sucking, cold hearted vampire who makes you go through hell giving birth? Perhaps this will sway you :<3
Ok, so thats out of my system now! Had a great weekend as well as that. I am taking part in a research project at my university in Southampton, where they track our progress of our language acquistion during the year abroad. This involves a series of little tests before, durning, and after this year, and last Saturday was the first of the tests I had to take part in since arriving here. A lecturere from Southampton came to visit Sylvia and I and we showed him around HEC and then he did his little tasks with us! After lunch together in Versailles, I was Twilight bound!I also gave another English lesson in the morning which was again another challenge! What's the difference between 'It is' and 'This is'? 'A' or 'The? Why can't you say 'The garden's roses'? 

I am pleased at how the weather has been actually. The fog comes to vist every now and again, but most of the weekend and the start of this week I have been wandering about without a coat or jacket, wearing sunglasses!  Unfortunately though, smoggy is back today. They call it 'Purée des poids' apparently! (Literally, mushy peas). But at least the sunshine brightened up the weekend. There was a little market in the local village (on a Sunday, would you believe!) so after a long run  I wanderd down and looked at all the various meats, chocolates, cheeses,wines etc. Spoke a bit of French, bought some Christmas presents. I bought this kinda chocolate/caramel spread thing which the lady assured me is better than nutella, but I am yet to taste it for myself to give my own judgement!

As I mentioned in my last blog, I went to a Big Student Mass service at Notre Dame last Tuesday. It was just spectacular being a part of it all! There was a little garden party afterwards where they served hot wine and brioche while a band played under the fairy lights and bubbles! (randomly!) I really love Notre Dame and the area St Michel which surrounds it. 

I am particulary excited for tonight. The famous Audrey Tautou (Amélie actress- shame on those of you who don't know!) is switching on the Christmas lights along the Champs-Elysées!!! It's officially Christmas! There will be lights, markets, great atmosphere, I really can't wait for this experience! I do hope I get to see Audrey Tautou as well! 

This week is turning out to be very busy! One of our colleagues who works at the desk is away this week, so having to share work between the other two of us. Yesterday I came in to work to find my colleague sat with her shoes off, tissues everywhere, squirting nasal spray up her nose, drinking some questionable cloudy grey liquid medicament and asking me where I can get more of those Lemsip things I gave to her... You think I am joking; It was literally like this: 

I have to work 3 night shifts and 2 early morning shifts this week. But I am actually getting a lot done and being productive! Someone joked to me that since I work in the library, if ever I get bored why don't I just read? Well, what a genius! I have taken this into account and if ever I find myself 'bored' I read French magazines or newspapers, or even work on my university project!!So now I have no excuse. Although I did have a moment in which I spent 100€ online shopping yesterday... :S I just don't have time to go shopping during the week! And Christmas dresses are important, right?! Infact, I am even 'profite'-ing by writing this blog while the library is dead!

Glee club is  still fun and rehearsals are good. We are preparing the Christmas concert and I am also singing a trio with Sara and Julie! We have arranged a version of 'Faith' by George Michael. 

Remember all my problems regarding kettles and fuses? Well, I was very frustrated to find out that our neigbor upstairs has created, literally, a whole kitchen -in his room! He has a fridge with a wooden board across the top which he has balanced with something else to make a work surface, has a microwave, kettle,cafétière, hot plate, mini oven... How he hasn't blown the fuses I don't understand. Its not fair! But he is a very lovely guy who has said his room is always open for cooking ( as long as we give him some of it!), and equally I said that with my love for washing up (yes, weird, I know) how about we have a compromise where he cooks for me and I do all the dishes! I could start baking again! 

I have just spontaneously decided to spend a weekend in Disney Land with the wonderful Ella Dove in December which will also be very exciting and magical!

My colleage has just arrived with red puffy eyes and ten jumpers wrapped around her. Time to giver her some attention.

Ciao for now :)

Monday, 14 November 2011

You snooze, you loose...

For lack of inspiration of a blog title, I would like to dedicate this blog to Ella Dove who kindly proposed this title as she stole my original idea of 'Back to reality'. However, interestingly I learnt the French equivalent for this expression at work this week so, really, it is quite an apt title!  ( 'Qui va à la chasse perd sa place' for those eager ones amount you who wanted to know the French version ) 

As I mentioned in my last blog, I had a 4 day weekend which I took advantage of to go back to Notts for some home comforts. It was just perfect. I really needed it and it did me some good, seeing family and friends and just being in m own big double bed with my cats!! The weekend went too quickly, but it was amazing being home. I had had a bit of a bad week the week before, so was in need of some TLC! But then, as I wanted to say, it was back to reality for me and has been the past few weeks. 

Currently sat enjoying a bowl of Heinz tomato soup with my leftover French baguette after a long and jam packed weekend spent in Paris. HEINZ!!! Yes, the real deal, found in a Casino supermarket in Paris! Along with other 'typical' English-associated delicatcies such as Baked Beans, Strongbow (lol), Digestive biscuits, PG tips, Jacobs crackers, Dr Pepper and Marmite. It's funny to see what  other countries associate as being English food. I had a little moment of excitement when I saw the 'Angleterre' isle, so tried to take a photo but was told by a plain clothes guard that it was 'interdit' to do so!! Then, while I was in line at the till, he approached me again asking me to delete any photos I had taken, and to show him while I was doing it! Seriously, The French! So I do apologise for the lack of photo evidence! 

So this friday was another excuse for a Bank Holiday. To be honest, I am pleased to have had the Friday off as for some reason I was exhausted by wednesday! I had originally planned to take up an offer from my colleague to stay in her little house in Normandy with her and her mum for the weekend, but she only offered me one night and it didn't really seem worth it for one night when I have a potential 3 to benefit from, and plus the train fare was quite a lot just for a flying visit. I have to big up my colleague actually (the hypochondriac! I feel bad saying that before), as she has been very kind to me, taking me under her wing almost just by calling me for a little chat! I am hoping this will eventually turn into 'Come over for dinner' Or 'Lets meet for coffee' or something! But anyway, instead I was lucky enough to spend the whole weekend in Paris thanks to Sylvia's colleague who kindly lent us her apartment as she was away this weekend. It was so nice of her! We didn't have to worry about how we were going to get back or having to cut our night short or whatever, because we were able to just hop on a train or a bus to her apartment. I spent friday shopping for a phone contract and a new coat, both of which I found, then met Sylvia for coffee before wandering along the river and Notre Dame to the Latin Quarter for dinner. We finished off the night by going to the cinema to see Polisse; a film about Child Protection Unit in Paris, very powerful- a few tears were shed! But it was nice to be out doing something cultural, and even though we got out at midnight we did't mind because we knew how easily we could get back and go to bed! 

Saturday was another day of sight seeing and wandering and shopping, and we also had coffee and dinner with another Southampton-Paris student who we know. We ate in a nice student area, and I had cheese fondue!! After saying our goodybyes, Sylvia and I wandered along the river and towards the Eiffel Tower, its spectacular at night. Then successfully caught the night bus back to our pad. Simple! So yeah, just headed back to HEC today (Sunday), I went on my long run ( started my training schedule, no slaking now!), did my laundry (always an effort) and spent about 2 hours on skype to my parents ( love them) so haven't really got much done on my list which I was hoping to do! But hey, I always have time to kill at work so I can always do stuff at work! 

I really am not joking. I love work because : its good money, I have French colleagues with whom I speak French all the time, socialise with them over lunch,  I interact a lot with students and meet new people, but my goodness it is so BORING!! If I do have work to do I complete it pretty quickly and then behind the desk all afternoon, you can't help but go on facebook! :S I try to find excuses to get up and walk around a bit, otherwise my bum just gets sore. I have been running during my longer lunches which is great, as I have just enough time to shower afterwards and it means that I don't have to think about running in the dark after work. Its scary how dark it gets so quickly, and last week there was even a spooky fog cloud over campus which didn't move for days which made the place look like the scene of a horror film or something. I kept thinking Jack the Ripper was going to jump out at me. Luckily though, the sun had his hat on this weekend which made Paris even more wonderful. 

There was another crazy CUSSON dinner last week, but it was very chaotic!  For me it wasn't as enjoyable as previous ones. They had overbooked, so I didn't even have a chair to sit on, or a glass or cutlery! The people around me were rude and didn't want to make the effort to talk to me. It was too hot but people refused to open the window. There were constant drunken chants echoing everywhere which made it hard to talk and think. I kept getting ignored by the waitors.And to top it all off...  I had to eat lasagne! It was a very stressful moment for me, as a vegetarian,but I blame the useless waitor who refused to get me a salad or bread.  Can't blame him though, in a noisy environnement 'Lasagne' and 'Salad' are very similar words, clearly... But I wasn't paying 15€ for nothing! 

To be honest, I am quite pleased at how well I have done so far being a vegetarian in France. I think it is getting more recognised, but it's still not really understood! I don't understand why a salad is always given rather than a simple plate of veg and rice or something?! At the canteen it's usually the hardest because I never really get a 'substantial' meal because a lot of stuff has meat in. But even in restuarants there is almost always something I can eat and so I shouln't go too hard on myself for eating like a spoonful of mince the other day! :S I remember trying veganism once a few years ago, and that DEFINITELY wouldn't work in France! Imagine Paris without Nutella Crèpes! 

My first English grammar class was a success. I think! Very challenging for me, giving an English lesson in French, but it helps with grammar between both languages and it opens your eyes to the difficulty of our language which we take for granted! I was thrown into the deep end by having 'Auxiliaries' as my first lesson, but hopefulyl next week will be a bit easier as my student has requested that we do 'Questions'. This opportunity has also opened a door to another French contatc, as we regularly text to try and arrange meeting up for coffee or something. I even had an offer to stay at her house one weekend, but would that be weird to stay at my colleages house with his daughter?! Any excuse to get out of the campus though I guess! 

Glee club is progressing well, we have a concert at the beginning of Dec which  we are preparing for. I am also going to sing a song with two of my flatmates which will be exciting! 

I am going to a big student Mass service at Notre Dame tomorrow night, what an amazing experience that will be! I love Notre Dame, it is so pretty. But apart from that not much more to look forward to this week. Work, running, Zumba... the weekend! 

Ruth/Lily/Doofs, whatever you call me :p xxxxx